Sunday, March 21, 2010

'xxxHolic' #3 Review

Back to xxxHolic! Yay! I find this manga to be far more enjoyable than Saikano =D

Plot Summary

This volume opens with a Tsubasa crossover. Yuka receives a large staff from Syaoran and the gang and sends them back a cluster of spirits that Mokona swallowed in the previous volume. Himawari presents a problem going on at her school involving a game called 'Angel-san' and Yuko puts Watanuki and Domeki on the case. On this adventure, Yuko gives Watanuki a handy walkie talkie device. This device also happens to look exactly like the Persocom ears from Chobits! I thought this was AWESOME. Later, a woman comes to the shop and asks to take a little cylinder. Inside is a monkey's paw that can grant wishes. The monkey paw also comes with great risk to the one who grants wishes. She is incredibly arrogant and doesn't think anything bad can possibly happen to her (which does, durp). The final chapter is a short about Watanuki coming across a Kitsune fox spirit's eatery stall.

I would also like to state that Clamp is very good at drawing smoke. Whenever Watanuki sees spirits, there's smoky spirit mist stuff happening everywhere. It always looks so amazing. SO MUCH CLAMP GLORY ON THIS BLOG!

This manga never gets too serious which I enjoy. I'M EXCITED TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!

xxxHolic #3: 7.3/10

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