Saturday, November 26, 2011

'Batman and Robin' #2 Review

Time for issue number DOS. Right off the bat (GEDDIT) this issue opens with a 2 page spread showing events throughout Damian's life. His intense training that the League of Shadows put him through since birth. They're really trying to get across that Damian is a monster and Bruce has nurture him back to humanity. Unfortunately Bruce has no idea how to be a dad and that's part of what makes this series so damn interesting! *spoilers* Damian doesn't want to disappoint his father so halfway through the issue they're taking care of some thugs doing a weapons deal and Damian shows restraint when taking them down. Bruce notes this as "commendable". They tie up the thugs and leave them hanging from a light post when suddenly our mysterious villain shows up. He sneaks down right on top of the guys and slits their throats but they even know he's there. There's a page showing him standing under the thugs, a shower of blood flowing all around him. It was gruesome and disturbing and FANTASTIC. This comic book doesn't play games, there is some intense violence in this series. In the last scene with Damian, he's walking back to his room from his exercise session when he catches a bat in mid air and crushes it in his hand. Alfred notices as he tosses it away casually. This kid has problems.

The issue ends with Bruce purchasing a great dane and being confronted by a man named Morgan. It's revealed that this guy is a our stealthy killer. Morgan detonates a little explosive nearby to show he's one step ahead of the game and disappears. The tension is building, I'm eager to read more!! The atmosphere of this comic is so dark and it's complimented nicely at the end outside scene with it's bright colors. I'm always happy to discover new artists I like and the penciller Patrick Gleason is really skilled. I'd really like to post some more pictures from this comic but since it's so new I'm having trouble finding any! Just go to your local bookstore and buy an issue of this, you will enjoy it. I hope. You better. I have issue #3 and I'll review that soon!

Batman and Robin #2 - 8.2/10

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